The recovered water from RO and from a Vacom evaporator/crystallizer will be used for ground water recharge in the US Inter-Mountain West. The Vacom system acts a final process to limit concentrated brine discharges by converting the brine to a solid waste thereby eliminating the possibility that a brine stream can redissolve into a usable water source.
As projects like these become accepted as the norm rather than the exception, drought conditions can be substantially alleviated.
Municipal sludge management and digester enhancement will be discussed in its own market segment utilizing the Vacom Flash Hydrolyzer™.
The Vacom Flash Hydrolyzer™ economically ruptures and denatures single cell bacteria in the sludge allowing for complete pathogen destruction at our boiling operating temperatures. Additionally, the Hydrolyzed sludge yields approximately 25% greater Renewable Natural Gas (RNG) recovery in anaerobic digesters and greatly enhances the mechanical “dewaterability” of the final sludge and/or digestate.
Learn more on the Digester Enhancement page.