Oil and Gas Systems

Vacom Systems™ (“Vacom”) provides equipment to solve a wide a range of industry segments water management challenges. This description focuses on systems for produced water resulting from oil and gas treatment.

Delivering Best Available Benefits
A Source of New Water
Less Expensive Disposal Alternative
Vacom Systems Produced Water and Frac Flowback Water Boiler Blowdown
Many companies want to talk about their ability to manage produced water. Vacom has done it successfully and we proudly walk our talk.
Vacom has 15 years of experience managing produced and frac water generated from the drilling and production of oil and gas. Our work began with large build-own-operate projects in the Pinedale Anticline of Wyoming and the Piceance Basin of Colorado. In both cases the treated effluent (distillate) was reused in the field or discharged under strict environmental compliance within regulatory limits.


In Wyoming we operated in the greater Yellowstone ecosystem where the distillate was used for dust control on the lease roads within the Green River drainage as part of the Colorado River Basin. The distillate was also used for freshwater surface hole drilling.


In Colorado, the treated effluent (distillate) was discharged into a local trout stream in the high country above Rifle, Colorado after re-mineralizing the distillate to match the stream conditions.

In both cases, extensive testing was performed with regulatory agencies to obtain and maintain permits.

Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

In the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Vacom performed full-scale pilot testing and received approval from Aramco to manage produced water separated from their Gas Oil Separation Plants (GOSPs) to be used for crude oil washing. This work was recognized in 2020 as the Industrial Water Project of the Year by the Global Water Awards.


In West Texas, Vacom is working with Renovo Resources to provide multiple large systems rated up to 300,000 Barrels Per Day (BPD) to replace injection wells and recover fresh water from produced water.

The Vacom One-Step™ system can be operated as a concentrator to cost effectively recover fresh water and as a crystallizer. When operated as a crystallizer, the crystallized salts are dewatered, and Naturally Occurring Radioactive Materials (NORMs) are washed out of the salts allowing for salt reuse or disposal.

The Vacom System™ does not require pretreatment to remove oil and grease or fine suspended solids. Ammonia and VOC stripping systems to remove BETX and Methanol are also available as add-on technologies.
Our systems can be designed as transportable skids allowing for mobile deployments or as fixed installations. Well head gas can be used to co-generate electricity and steam or other heated fluids necessary to drive the system.

Vacom has the technology and engineering expertise the industry needs.

By concentrating and crystallizing dissolved solids (salts) in the One-Step!™ System
beyond the ability of any competitor, Vacom minimizes disposal costs.